“Education is the most powerful weapon that we can use to change the world.”

– Nelson Mandela

Janelle Struth

I am dedicated and passionate about teaching Digital Technology, being new to the role as of this year, I strive to inspire students by fostering a dynamic learning environment. With a commitment to supporting digital literacy and problem-solving skills, I aim to encourage the next generation of tech-savvy creators. My approach combines hands-on experiences, real-world applications, and a supportive atmosphere to guide students on a transformative journey in the exciting space of Digital Technology.

Hardev Singh

I’ve been part of the educational landscape for over 25 years, dedicating my career to fostering growth and innovation in learning.

My journey in education began as a school technician, where I developed a deep appreciation for the role of technology in enhancing teaching and learning experiences. This initial spark ignited my passion, leading me to transition into teaching. As a teacher, I’ve had the joy of imparting knowledge and inspiring a love for learning in my students.

My enthusiasm for education is rooted in the belief that learning is a lifelong journey, having a Bachelor of Business and a Bachelor of Education. I strive to instil this mindset in students, encouraging them to be curious, ask questions, and explore new ideas. Seeing them develop into confident, knowledgeable individuals is the most rewarding aspect of my career.

Technology has always been a focal point in my teaching methodology. I believe in leveraging technological advancements to make learning more engaging, interactive, and effective. By integrating technology in the classroom, I aim to prepare my students for a future where digital literacy is paramount.

Looking ahead, the horizon of digital learning is vast and exciting. We are on the cusp of embracing more immersive learning experiences through virtual and augmented reality, AI-driven personalised learning, and global classrooms connected through technology. I aim to equip our students with the skills and mindset to navigate and excel in this rapidly evolving digital landscape.

I am excited to continue this journey with our school community, fostering a space where technology and education converge to create a dynamic and enriching learning environment for all our students.

DigiTech – Prep to Year 2

Teaching digital technology to students from Prep to Year 2 in the Victorian Curriculum focuses on introducing foundational skills and understanding digital systems, data and creating digital solutions. The curriculum aims to develop young students’ familiarity with technology in a way that is engaging, age-appropriate, and foundational for future learning.

  1. Understanding Digital Systems: At this stage, students are introduced to essential hardware and software components of digital systems. They learn to identify and operate devices like tablets, laptops, and interactive whiteboards.
  2. Recognising and Using Data: Students are encouraged to recognise that data can be represented in various ways. They might start with understanding simple patterns and sequences and how these can be used in digital systems.
  3. Creating Digital Content: This involves teaching students to create simple digital content. They learn to use text, images, and audio to express ideas and information creatively and meaningfully.
  4. Problem-Solving and Coding Basics: Introducing basic coding concepts through visual programming helps students understand how instructions control technology. They develop simple algorithms (sets of instructions) to solve problems or create projects.
  5. Cyber Safety and Digital Citizenship: Students must understand the importance of staying safe online. They learn about personal information privacy and respectful communication in digital environments.

Examples of Apps, Programs, and Websites:

  • SpriteBox is an introductory programming language that enables young children to create interactive stories and games. It simplifies coding concepts for younger students.
  • Art Maker: An easy-to-use tool for creating digital books. Students can combine text, images, audio, and video to create interactive stories.
  • Visual Storytelling: Encourage students to create digital stories by taking photos and arranging them in a sequence. This activity can enhance narrative skills, creativity, and understanding of story structure.
  • Google Maps, QR codes, and keyboard skills: These offer interactive and practical ways to teach foundational tech skills.

Incorporating these tools and approaches into the curriculum ensures that students in Prep to Year 2 become familiar with digital technology and start developing essential skills for the digital age. The goal is to create a solid foundation that supports their continuous learning and adaptation in a technologically evolving world.

Media Arts – Year 3 to Year 6

Teaching Media Arts to students from Year 3 to Year 6 in the Victorian Curriculum aims to develop their understanding and skills in creating, analysing, and presenting media arts ideas. The curriculum enhances creativity, critical thinking, and technical abilities in various media forms. Here’s a summary of the key goals and some examples of apps, programs, and websites that support these skills:


  1. Creating Media Arts: Students learn to plan, produce, and present media artworks. This includes understanding narrative structures, using digital tools, and experimenting with visual and audio elements.
  2. Critical Analysis: Encouraging students to analyse their work critically and that of others. This includes understanding and discussing the use of media elements, story themes, and audience engagement.
  3. Understanding Media Languages: Developing an understanding of the ‘languages’ of media arts, such as images, sounds, and texts, and how these can be used to convey messages and emotions.
  4. Technical Skills: Acquiring technical skills using various digital tools and software for creating media art, like video editing, digital photography, and animation.
  5. Digital Literacy and Safety: Ensuring students understand the responsible use of digital media, including respecting copyright and the importance of online safety and privacy.

Examples of Educational Tools:

  • iMovie: For video editing and storytelling. Students can create short films, documentaries, or digital stories using these user-friendly platforms.
  • Code.org: A beginner-friendly programming platform where students can create interactive stories, animations, and games, teaching them the basics of coding in a creative context.
  • Canva: For graphic design projects. Students can design posters, infographics, and other visual content.
  • Stop Motion Animation App: Provides a fundamental understanding of how animation works. It breaks down the illusion of movement into individual frames, helping students understand key animation concepts like sequencing, timing, and frame-by-frame progression.
  • Sketchbook: The app can teach fundamental art concepts like composition, perspective, proportion, and colour theory. Students can easily experiment with these concepts digitally, which can be less intimidating than traditional media for beginners.

Through these goals and tools, the curriculum aims to equip students with the skills to effectively communicate and express themselves using media arts while developing their appreciation for different media’s artistic and technical aspects. The emphasis is on creative exploration, understanding the impact of media arts in society, and responsible digital citizenship.

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