Lesson 10

Learning Intention

To explore beat and rhythm using an online drum kit and to create a ‘funky beat’.

Lesson Information

  • Click on the following link and open Ableton learn drum page: https://learningmusic.ableton.com/make-beats/play-with-beats.html.
  • Create a simple beat using the kick and clap part of the drums but make sure you are playing on the beat (i.e. nos 1, 2, 3, 4).
  • Extend your pattern by adding more kick drum on different parts of the beat.
  • Once you are happy add some hi hat sounds.

Extension – if you want to explore making beats and rhythms further then work through different sections of the beat chapter.


What did you think about the ‘funky beat’ that you created?

If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to lscott@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au

Lesson 9

Learning Intention

To use bucket drumming to join in with the song  ‘Seven Nation Army’.

Lesson Information

Use your buckets and drum sticks from two weeks ago:

  • Watch the instructional video and practise the 3 patterns by themselves.
  • When you are confident join in with the music.
  • Now play by yourself!


Did you feel confident with your drumming and were you able to play your rhythms in time to the music?

If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to lscott@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au

Lesson 8

Learning Intention

To complete a music learning task.

Lesson Information

Music Learning Task

  • Watch the instructional video.
  • Click on the link and complete the Music learning task questions on Microsoft Forms.
  • Have a go at each question, they are all about your Music learning in Term 3.
  • Don’t forget to click submit so that you can share your learning with Mrs Scott!

Music learning task link: https://tinyurl.com/year6musiclearningtask

Lesson 7

Learning Intention

To use bucket drumming to join in with the song ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’.

Lesson Information

Over the next few weeks, you will need a bucket and drumsticks (or something from around your home like this) to learn how to bucket drum.

  • Watch the instructional video and practise the 3 patterns by themselves.
  • When you are confident join in with the music.

Now play by yourself: 


Did you find the activity easy or hard? Why?

If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to lscott@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au

Lesson 6

Learning Intention

To design a CD cover for a song by your favourite artist.

Lesson Information

This week, I want you to think about your favourite singer, band or genre of music.

  • Choose your favourite song by that artist/band.
  • Draw a picture or take a photograph to create a CD cover for this song.
  • Have a listen to the song and think about how to capture the mood/feeling of the song in a drawing. You may wish to consider some of the following elements of music: Tempo (speed), dynamics (volume), timbre (the number and types of instruments used), mood or feeling of the music.
  • Write a reflective paragraph on your artwork and the decisions that you made. What is the song about? How does your artwork reflect this?


Click on the following link to complete a reflection on your Term 3 music learning to share with Mrs Scott: https://tinyurl.com/y27ornhc

Lesson 5

Learning Intention

To research the songs and artists that your family enjoys listening to.

Lesson Information

  • Interview one or more members of your family and make a list of their favourite songs or artists.
  • Questions you might like to use: Who is your favourite band/singer? What is the name of your favourite song? Why do you like this song/singer? What is your favourite style (genre) of music? Have you ever seen your favourite band/artist in concert?
  • Write about your conversation and then listen to some of their choices.


What do you think about their choices, do you like the music/songs?  Why?

Lesson 4

Learning Intention

To listen to different genres of music.

Lesson Information

  • Play the game ‘Listen and roll’ either by yourself or, even better, with a partner

Listen to the following piece of music – Irish Music:


Then roll the die and answer the questions depending upon which number you rolled:

How would you describe the dynamic (volume) of this music?  Loud (f), Soft (p), or something in between (mf or mp)? Did it stay the stay the same?
How would you describe the feeling or the mood of the music?
What Instruments did you hear?
How would you describe the tempo (speed) of the music?  Fast, slow or moderate?  Did the tempo stay the same?
Did you like the music? Give a reason for your answer.
What would you rate the music out of 5 stars?

Listen to ‘Can’t Stop the Feeling’ – Justin Timberlake and play the game again.


How many genres of music could you name? Could you answer all of the questions?

Lesson 3

Learning Intention

To listen to different genres of music.

Lesson Information

  • Play the game ‘Listen and Roll’ either by yourself or, even better, with a partner.

Listen to the following piece of music – (Overture: Marriage of Figaro). 

Then roll the die and answer the questions depending upon which number you rolled:

How would you describe the dynamic (volume) of this music?  Loud (f), Soft (p), or something in between (mf or mp)? Did it stay the stay the same?

How would you describe the feeling or the mood of the music?

What instruments did you hear?

How would you describe the tempo (speed) of the music?  Fast, slow or moderate?  Did the tempo stay the same?

Did you like the music? Give a reason for your answer.

What would you rate the music out of 5 stars?

Listen to the ‘Take Five’ by the Dave Brubeck  Quartet

Play the game again.


 How many of the questions were you able to answer?

Lesson 2

Learning Intention

To create a piece of music using Chrome Music Lab.

Lesson Information

  • Change the settings to 16 bars.
  • Can you finish the song by yourself?


Were you able to guess the name of the song?

If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to lscott@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au

Lesson 1

Learning Intention

To create music using Chrome Music Lab.

Lesson Information

  • Log on to https://musiclab.chromeexperiments.com/
  • Click on Song maker
  • Experiment with song maker by writing the initials of your name or by drawing a shape or image onto the blank grid. What does this sound like?
  • Edit or change this image by adding or deleting blocks until you like the music that you have made.
  • Now add a beat by adding triangles and circles below your shape:
  • If you want to make the music faster or slower change the tempo setting – Remember Tempo means the speed of the music!!!
  • Experiment with the different instruments. Which are favourite instruments?
  • The music is automatically set to 4 bars (16 beats) and if you want to make it longer then click on settings and extend to 6 or 8 bars.


Did you enjoy your music? Why?

If you would like to share your learning with me.   Send an email to lscott@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au