
Every day we run to the following timetable. This may change on special days such as the last day of term (which typically ends at 2.30pm).

Lessons starts promptly at 8.50am, so please ensure your children are in the classroom before 8.50am.

It’s not great to be late!

8.50am8.55amHome Group
8.55am9.55amSession 1
9.55am10.55amSession 2
11.15am12.15pmSession 3
12.15pm1.15pmSession 4
1.15pm1.25pmLunch Eating Time
1.25pm2.05pmLunch Play Time
2.05pm2.15pmAfternoon Home Group
2.15pm3.15pmSession 5


School Term Dates are available from the Dept of Education & Training website here.

Public holidays in Victoria are available from the Business Victoria website here.

A full calendar of Hillsmeade dates is available through the school portal. This includes Curriculum days, camps, excursions & incursions and all the fundraising, social and cultural events at the school.

Student-Free Days

Student-Free days (also known as Curriculum Days) are days where students stay home and the teachers undertake professional development and planning. Hillsmeade often uses these days for whole-school professional development, where the staff will attend a seminar from best-in-class educator to improve their ability to teach in a particular area.

Curriculum Days are approved by the School Council, and are advertised well in advance. You will find them in the calendar in the school portal, they will appear in The Link, and will also be advertised on this website and on social media.