Lesson 10

Learning Intention

To be aware of our digital footprint.

Lesson Information

Write a list of your favourite digital activities.

For example, apps, websites, games, videos, images, music, texts, posts, research

  • Trace (or ask someone to help) around your feet.  Draw pictures inside that represent any online connections you may have.


How will you protect your privacy? How will you respect other people’s privacy?

Click the link: https://tinyurl.com/Yr3T4Wk1

I’d love to see to see your work! If you can, please take a photo and email to: mziino@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au

Lesson 9

Learning Intention

To create a game based on Flappy Bird.

Lesson Information

With an iPad or laptop, go to www.code.org using Google Chrome or Safari. (Internet Explorer does not work well with code.org)

Class Code:




3A, 3D: You are welcome to sign in and continue the activities from last semester in Code.org if you wish!

Lesson 18: Dance Party

  • Work through the activities to build your own “Dance Party” interactive animation!


What is something you enjoyed about today’s activity?

Lesson 8

Learning Intention

To complete a DigiTech Learning Task.

Lesson Information

DigiTech Learning Task

  • Click on the link to complete the DigiTech questions.
  • Have a go at each question, they are all about your DigTech learning in Term 3.
  • https://tinyurl.com/yr3Dwk8LT

Lesson 7

Learning Intention

To add instructions  and gather repeated code into loops.

Lesson Information

With an iPad or laptop, go to www.code.org using Google Chrome or Safari. (Internet Explorer does not work well with code.org)

Class Code:




3A, 3D: You are welcome to sign in and continue the activities from last semester in Code.org if you wish! 

Lesson 8: Drawing Shapes with Loops

Today you are going to continue to practise finding the patterns, and then adding loops where needed to create a shape.  Remember, when we see a pattern within a sequence or set of code, we can put that into a loop (or repeat) block. 


Was there anything that was tricky? 

What would you do to help someone else that found it hard?

Lesson 6

Learning Intention

To recognise patterns that need to be repeated.

To recognise how to add instructions to existing loops and gather repeated code into loops.

Lesson Information

With an iPad or laptop, go to www.code.org using Google Chrome or Safari. (Internet Explorer does not work well with code.org)

Class Code:




3A, 3D: You are welcome to sign in and continue the activities from last semester in Code.org if you wish! 

Lesson 7: Loops in Ice Age

When we see a pattern within a sequence or set of code, we can put that into a loop (or repeat) block.  Today you are going to practise finding the patterns, and then adding loops where needed.


Click on this link to complete the week 6 reflection. https://tinyurl.com/year3DTweek6

Lesson 5

Learning Intention

To use an ‘event’ in a computer game.

Lesson Information

With an iPad or laptop, go to www.code.org using Google Chrome or Safari. (Internet Explorer does not work well with code.org)

Class Code:




3A, 3D: You are welcome to sign in and continue the activities from last semester in Code.org if you wish! J

Lesson 6: Build a Star Wars Game

In these tasks you will practise using events to build a game (Please don’t share online!)  The game will feature R2-D2 and other Star Wars characters and you will be guided through events to then have a go at creating your own game.

Some real-life events and actions include:

  • Feeling hungry and eating food.
  • Stubbing your toe and yelling “Ouch!”
  • Getting the basketball in the ring and scoring a point for your team!

Events are very common in computer programs, especially in video games. 


Was there anything that was tricky? 

What would you do to help someone else that found it hard?

Lesson 4

Learning Intention

To use an ‘event’ in a computer game.

Lesson Information

With an iPad or laptop, go to www.code.org using Google Chrome or Safari. (Internet Explorer does not work well with code.org)

Class Code:




3A, 3D: You are welcome to sign in and continue the activities from last semester in Code.org if you wish! J

Lesson 5: Events in Bounce

In these tasks you will get use events & actions when programming a computer game called ‘Bounce’.

Some real-life events and actions include:

  • Feeling hungry and eating food.
  • Stubbing your toe and yelling “Ouch!”
  • Getting the basketball in the ring and scoring a point for your team!

Events are very common in computer programs, especially in video games. 


Which activity was your favourite?

Lesson 3

Learning Intention

To order a set of instructions (algorithm) correctly for a character to follow.

Lesson Information

With an iPad or laptop, go to www.code.org using Google Chrome or Safari. (Internet Explorer does not work well with code.org)

Class Code:




3A and 3D: You are welcome to sign in and continue the activities from last semester in Code.org if you wish! 

For individual sign in information, check the DigiTech Learning Task section on Compass.

Lesson 3: Debugging in Collector

In these tasks you will get to practise reading and editing code to fix puzzles with simple algorithms (instructions), loops and ‘nested loops’. These programs do NOT work. You will need to fix these programs. This is called ‘debugging’.

Debugging can get really frustrating at times. Remember to take your time and go through it one step at a time.

Use the ‘step’ button to help you debug the puzzles.


Was there anything that was tricky? 

What would you do to help someone else that found it hard?

Lesson 2

Learning Intention

To order a set of instructions (algorithm) correctly for a character to follow.

Lesson Information

With an iPad or laptop, go to www.code.org using Google Chrome or Safari. (Internet Explorer does not work well with code.org)

Class Code:




Enter your class code, click on your name and then your secret picture.

Lesson 2: Introduction to Online Puzzles

Have a go at these tasks to help the birds get to the pig. Remember when we say ‘turn left or right’, we’re giving directions from the bird’s point of view (pretend to be the bird).


Which activity was your favourite?

Lesson 1

Learning Intention

To understand strategies to practise Cyber Safety.

Lesson Information

Cyber Safety:  THINK

Have a look at the Cyber Safety THINK picture.  These are some really important things to remember when online.

  • Create your own THINK cyber safety poster.
  • Is there anything else you could add? Try and make connections to our IRESPECT values.


What are 5 TOP things you think we need to remember to be cybersafe?

If you would like to share your work, I’d love to see it! 🙂 Please email to: mziino@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au