Lesson 10
Learning Intention
To understand photography.
Lesson Information
Photography – Lighting
- Choose a subject to photograph indoors.
- It might be a person, toy or random object.
- Find a light source (lamp, torch, phone flashlight).
- Position the light at different angles on the subject (in front, behind, from above etc.) and take a photo each time.
https://tinyurl.com/mediaartsy5w1 Which lighting position created the best photo?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 9
Learning Intention
To understand slow motion.
Lesson Information
Slow motion
- Open the camera function on your device.
- Select the slow motion function.
- Film different events in slow motion.
- You might kick a ball, do a cart wheel, fill a glass with water…be creative
- Look back and see the impact that the slow motion function has on your footage.
- Does it look different?
- Do you notice anything in slow motion that you didn’t see at the time of filming?
Why would a movie use slow motion?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 8
Learning Intention
To understand Media Arts.
Lesson Information
Specialist Learning Task
- Click on the link https://tinyurl.com/MediaArts5HPS and complete the Media Arts questions on Microsoft Forms.
- Have a go at each question, they are all about your Media Arts learning in Term 3.
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 7
Learning Intention
To understand stop motion animation.
Lesson Information
Stop Motion Animation
- Download a stop motion app or use the camera function to take your photos.
- Position your toys or objects in their starting position.
- Place your device somewhere where it won’t move
- Take your first photo, then move your subject a small amount.
- Take your next photo and repeat these steps until you have finished.
- If you used the camera app, you can scroll through these photos and it should move like an animation.
Did your animation turn out like you had planned?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 6
Learning Intention
To understand Aboriginal storytelling.
Lesson Information
Aboriginal Story
- Watch the Aboriginal animated story.
- Notice how stop motion has been used.
- Look at the materials they have used to create the set and characters.
- Answer the questions:
- What was the story about?
- Did animation help to tell the story? How?
- Which part of the story had the best animation?
Please complete this quick Media Arts survey https://tinyurl.com/MediaArtsHPS
What is your favourite animated story?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 5
Learning Intention
To understand photography.
Lesson Information
Photography – Patterns
- Using a camera/iPad/Smartphone, practise taking photos.
- Look for patterns in nature (bark, rocks, leaves etc)
- Look for man-made patterns (bricks, tiles, fences etc)
- Frame the subject as close as you can with it in focus.
- Tap on the screen to have the subject in focus.
- Take your photo.
- Select your photo in your photo library and review.
Were you surprised by how many patterns you found?
Lesson 4
Learning Intention
To understand news broadcasting.
Lesson Information
News Broadcasting
Watch a news story from BTN: https://www.abc.net.au/btn/classroom/indigenous-place-names/11164046
- Go to Kidsnews.com.au
- Look at the different articles and chose one that interests you.
- Take notes while reading. You will want to find 5 important points from the article for you to report on in your news video.
- Set up your iPad to record yourself.
- Have your notes ready.
- Record yourself telling the story. Give the audience the information you gathered from kids news.
- Listen back to your recording to check that it is clear and easy to understand.
How did you change your voice to sound clear and confident?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 3
Learning Intention
To understand photography.
Lesson Information
Photography – Black and White
- Using a camera/iPad/smartphone, practise taking photos of a subject of your choosing.
- Turn on the grid on your device if possible.
- Frame the subject and make sure it is in focus by tapping on the screen.
- Take your photo.
- Select your photo in your photo library and click edit.
- Scroll through the filters and select black and white.
- Repeat these steps with a new subject.
How did your black and white images compare to your colour images?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 2
Learning Intention
To understand music in film.
Lesson Information
Music in Film
Watch The Lion King video
Watch this scene from Frozen with no music:
- How did removing the music change the scene?
- Did it affect the mood?
- Was the scene more or less enjoyable?
- Did the lack of music impact the emotion of the scene and what the character was feeling?
Why do you think music is important in film?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 1
Learning Intention
To understand design.
Lesson Information
Movie Poster Design
- Find a piece of paper/workbook and something to draw with.
- You could even make it digitally with paint or another drawing program.
- You could use PowerPoint or Publisher to design your poster.
- Choose a movie that you enjoy.
- Draw/design a new movie poster for that movie.
- It may have one or more characters, or an important item or location from the movie.
- Don’t forget to make it colourful and visually appealing so the audience will want to see this movie.
Would your poster inspire you to see the movie?
If you would like to share your work, please email me at tcole@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au