Lesson 3

Learning Intention

To investigate the forces of gravity and air resistance.

Lesson Information

Steps to follow:

  • You will need a straw, sticky tape, 3 hoop glider rectangle strips the same size.
  • Cut three rectangle strips, the same size, out of the coloured paper.
  • Take 2 of the pieces of paper and tape them together into a hoop. Be sure to overlap the pieces about 1 cm so that they keep a nice round shape once taped.
  • Use the last strip of paper to make a smaller hoop, overlapping the edges a bit like before.
  • Tape the paper loops to the ends of the straw as shown below. (notice that the straw is lined up on the inside of the loops)
  • That’s it! Now hold the straw in the middle with the hoops on top and throw it in the air similar to how you might throw a dart angled slightly up.

With some practice, you can get it to go further than many paper airplanes.

Lesson 2

Learning Intention

To investigate the forces of gravity and air resistance.

Lesson Information

  • Create a parachute that will use the force of gravity to fall and the force of friction (air resistance) to slow down its fall.
  • You will need a plastic bag or similar, string, parachute or weight.
  • Explore different ways to make a parachute, using different materials and different weighted ‘parachutes’ to hang off the bottom. Test your parachute with different weights.
  • What modifications can you make to make your parachute to make it quicker/slower? *Hang something heavier/lighter from the bottom. *Change number/length of string.

Lesson 1

Learning Intention

Physical Sciences
Physical Sciences

To explore and investigate the effect that force has on motion.

Lesson Information

Steps to follow:

  • You will need: A straw, a ping pong ball, playdough (chalk/sticks/string/Lego or anything to build a track) and a table.
  • Create a ping pong track using playdough (or drawing on the footpath or sticks in the garden or Lego/string inside). It must have a start, an end and a corner.

Think about the following when making or modifying your track. How can you slow the ball down? Speed it up? Make it go further? Make it go a shorter distance? Turn a corner?