Lesson 10
Learning Intention
To assess and refine a movement sequence.
Lesson Information
Shot Put
- You have two choices here:
- Make your own shot put using a balloon and fill with dry rice or floor using a kitchen funnel or
- Use a tennis ball or small ball that is similar to the size of a shot put.
- Mark a starting spot where you will commence your throw from.
- Technique:
Split stance – leg forward matches the throwing arm e.g. right foot forward, throwing right arm, clean palm, right angle elbow, shot put in the neck, chin, knee and foot in line, transfer weight from front to back, rotate the hips, high five the sky on release of the shot.
- When holding the shot properly it should be against your neck with your thumb pointing down and your elbow as high as you can lift it.
- Measure how far you throw (m) and record your best throw in three attempts.
Group/Family Goal: To give and receive feedback between members of your group or family to help each of you in your ability to perform the standing shot put.
- Look at the pictures below and think what the Technical Points in each phase would be for 1 minute.
- Next share your ideas if you are working with a friend or family member, taking it in turns to give and discuss ideas. Come to a common agreement and note the suggested Technical Points below.
- Now perform the standing shot put.
- After a few practices, reflect on whether you need to change the suggested Technical Points?

- Reflect and analyse your performance.
- What could you do with your body to throw further?
- What would be the best angle to release the shot for maximum distance?
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 9
Learning Intention
To connect skipping tricks into a movement sequence.
Lesson Information
Putting skipping tricks together
- Skipping rope
- Music
- Try to perform the skipping tricks that were learnt last week in a row (eg: 4 running man steps, then 4 skiers – without stopping!)
- Trial each of these jumps 10 times in a row without a skipping rope, then with the skipping rope.
- Two-foot jumps, single leg hops on the right, single leg hops on the left, alternate single leg jump (high knee run).
- Turn on some music and practise different skipping tricks when the music changes (eg: verse to chorus, speed/beat change etc).
- Students perform at own pace.
- Look here for some other beginner skipping tricks.

- How many tricks could you do in one song?
- Did you jump in time to the music?
- Were you able to do all of them in a row?
- How long could you go for without having to stop?
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 8
Learning Intention
To practice various skipping techniques and tricks.
Lesson Information
Learning some new skipping tricks
- Skipping rope
- Music
- Use the videos below to learn some new skipping tricks:
- Can you make any new skipping tricks to try?
- Students perform at own pace
- Look here for some other beginner skipping tricks

- Which skipping trick was the easiest?
- Which was the hardest?
- Which trick could you do for longer?
- Which trick was the most fun to practise?
Please click on the Learning Task link below and complete the term reflection: https://tinyurl.com/g3learning
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 7
Learning Intention
I can adjust my technique to successfully perform different gymnastic skills.
Lesson Information
Balance and Locomotion routine
- An open space of approx. 2.2m – check with parents first
- Various boxes or furniture that can be used to support balance.
- A yoga mat, couch cushions or other soft matting.
- Find a space in your home or outside in your yard that is clear of obstacles and/or furniture.
- You are going to create your own basic floor routine that combines balances and different locomotion skills (movement).
- This template will provide you with a sequence for your routine.
- When designing a routine make sure you include different types of:
- Balances – front support, cat shape, tree pose, arabesque, side support, candlestick, front bridge or follow picture below.
- Locomotion skills – skipping, hopping, rolling, jumping, leaping.
- Movement – walking on your toes, sided to side or backwards.
- Make sure when you are selecting movements and balances you stick within what you know how to do.
Increase the balances, locomotion and movement poses.

- Which was the most challenging balance? Why?
- What types of locomotion did you choose? How did you link your balance and locomotion together?
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 6
Learning Intention
To understand the physical and wellbeing benefits of yoga movements.
Lesson Information
Yoga – Arnold the Ant (9:25)
- Laptop/Ipad
- Mat/carpet
- Water
- Use the above link to watch the Yoga workout, there are also other yoga videos you can try on different days this week.
- Play the YouTube video and follow the poses.
- Go at your own pace
- Try your best

- Did you enjoy the Yoga workout?
- Would you recommend it to anyone else?
- What’s the secret Yoga code word?
Please click on the link and complete lesson reflection. https://tinyurl.com/g3trial
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 5
Learning Intention
To aim and throw at targets.
Lesson Information
Knock ‘em Down
(You can use any of these pieces of equipment to throw and use as targets)
- 3 cones and 10 bean bags
- 3 plastic bottles and rolled up socks
- 3 Empty Milk bottles and Newspaper rolled up as balls.
- choose the layout of the 3 cones as targets then stand 3m away with the bean bag.
- Person 1 selects which target, person 2 must aim for first.
- Pairs count how many throws it takes for person 2 to hit all 3 targets.
- Pairs switch roles and repeat.
- Repeat activity so you attempt to knock down targets in the shortest number of throws focusing on control of effort and use of underarm throw.

- Increase/decrease amount of targets
- Use opposite hands
Which throw was the most successful?
What adjustments did you have to make? If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 4
Learning Intention
Performing a range of static and dynamic balances on different body parts.
Lesson Information
Balance Bingo
- Hold each balance for minimum of 3 seconds and then cross it off the board (or place a counter on the picture)
- Once you have a counter on each of the balancing tasks in a line you can call out BINGO.
- Try and see how many different ways you get Bingo on the board.
- You can also play with a partner and take turns attempting different balances to make bingo.

What was the hardest balancing task?
What could you do to improve your balancing ability?
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 3
Learning Intention
To create and participate in a fitness circuit.
Lesson Information
30 Second Challenge
Complete each exercise for 30 seconds, then rest for 30 seconds. Complete the next exercise. Keep going until all exercises are complete.
(Watch the instructional video on how to correctly complete these exercises)
- Plank
- Run on the spot (high knees)
- Burpees
- 5 left hand jabs/5 right hand jabs (shadow punch)
- Alternating lunges jumps
- Star jumps
- Wall sit
Will practising these exercises improve your heart rate?
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: mailto:achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 2
Learning Intention
Develop problem solving, balance, strength and conditioning in indoor settings.
Lesson Information
Connect 3 Relays
- Print / Draw the connect 3 board or use an actual connect 3 board.
- Use a pencil or marker to mark off the paper stencil (use a different colour to the person you are versing)
- Place the connect 3 board/paper across the room at least 3m
- Start the game by counting down 3-2-1 go!
- Run to your designated area and complete
- 3 star jumps
- 3 squats
- The quicker you can move the faster you will be able to mark the board.
- Keep going back and forth until someone connects 3.

How did you find incorporating fitness with a board game?
Will this improve your fitness and your heart rate?
If you would like to share your learning with me, send an email to: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au
Lesson 1
Learning Intention
Accurately measure my resting, exercise and recovery heart rate.
Lesson Information
- To find your resting heart rate, sit down and make sure you are calm.
(follow the instructions on the video)
- Find your exercising heart rate by completing the 3 trials below.
- After finding your Exercising heart rate, wait 5 minutes then find your recovery heart rate. Does your heart rate go down?
- Trial one: Run on the spot as fast as you can for 20 seconds
(Wait 5 min and then take your recovery heart rate)
- Trial two: Star Jumps for 20 seconds.
(Wait 5 min and then take your recovery heart rate)
- Trial three Run on the spot for 20 seconds – does your heart rate increase?
(Wait 5 min and then take your recovery heart rate)

- Is having a low heart rate a good thing?
- Does your recovery heart rate increase after the 3 trials?
If you would like to share your learning, send me an email: achazbek@hillsmeade.vic.edu.au